Since the world’s first broadcast system put into operation in 1893 in Budapest (Telefon Hirmondo) there is a need for monitoring the technical parameters and quality of the transmitted content. There was a need for closed loop feedback from the field to the operators of the technology for keeping up the service and its quality.
The first broadcast was based on wired connections provided by the the telephone exchange scheme introduced by Tivarad Puskas in 1877 and later patented as telephone switchboard in 1887.
Technology evolved very fast and after the Hungarian Post started its Morse-code based telegraph service in 1907 and the Hungarian Radio was established 1925 where the radio technology was still operated by a technical department of the postal service.
Later the content production and transmitting operations was separated and in 1950 distinguished company was established for wireless broadcast, currently know as Antenna Hungaria
It was a great honour for Sagax Communications for participating of this tradition of delivering exceptional technical achievements. We accepted the challenge of developing and put into service the new station control software for operating the ITU compliant service parameter and quality monitoring system.
This is our great pleasure to share the news that it is in full operation in Tarnok where the radio service was started in 1907 and still then the station is up and running. The station is registered as part of the international network for CEPT HF Monitoring network and ITU International Monitoring stations.
The state of the art internet application based distributed and heterogeneous RF test and measurement system covering frequency range from VLF to Ku band. It helps the operators for scheduling and automatically running measurements, monitor service critical technical parameters in real-time and look-back in time mode.
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