Cyber Secure GNSS Sensor
We would not even think how much our society and industry including current and future autonomous mobility have embraced and depend on the global navigation satellite systems. (GNSS) Delivering trusted and safe GNSS service is important for all area of life and industry. Jamming and spoofing of GNSS systems are real danger and can cause real damage in cyber physical systems like autonomous mobility. The project is working on GNSS anti-spoofing solution and the objective is to provide increased cyber security. Our goal is to develop a special sensor which can detect and validate the origin of the GNSS signal available in the surrounding geographic area and it is able to send warning level in case of possible spoofing is detected.

Spoofing, Jamming, and Autonomous Mobility
- Vehicular autonomous mobility is tackled at the individual or at the system level: self-driving cars (ADAS) versus intelligent transport systems (ITS)
- Self-driving cars seek to replicate human drivers: dominant paradigm with ~$100B in funding, Level 2 installed in multi-million vehicles, Level 3/4 approved for on-demand cab service, uses a mix of sensors including camera, lidar, radar, GNSS, odometry, etc.
- ITS seeks to solve the autonomy puzzle from the system level: significantly less funding, mostly restricted to pilot programs
- GNSS plays a secondary role in the autonomy stack in spite of its significant advantages of absolute positioning, weather-agnostic, low computational need due to the threat of spoofing and jamming
Spoofing, Jamming, and Autonomous Mobility
- Vehicular autonomous mobility is tackled at the individual or at the system level: self-driving cars (ADAS) versus intelligent transport systems (ITS)
- Self-driving cars seek to replicate human drivers: dominant paradigm with ~$100B in funding, Level 2 installed in multi-million vehicles, Level 3/4 approved for on-demand cab service, uses a mix of sensors including camera, lidar, radar, GNSS, odometry, etc.
- ITS seeks to solve the autonomy puzzle from the system level: significantly less funding, mostly restricted to pilot programs
- GNSS plays a secondary role in the autonomy stack in spite of its significant advantages of absolute positioning, weather-agnostic, low computational need due to the threat of spoofing and jamming
Spoofing and Anti-Spoofing
- Spoofing includes retransmission of authentic GNSS signals, code/carrier attack, navigation data attack,
- Anti-spoofing solutions include signal processing, cryptographic, and antenna-level defense
- Signal processing defense detects anomalies in the signal power and lack of consistency between different bands and constellations using multi-band multi-constellation set-up
- Cryptographic defense: signal authentication using authentication codes
- Antenna level: Angle of Arrival (AoA) defense w/ antenna arrays
- Signal processing defense incorporated in leading automotive receivers
- Cryptographic defense: OSNMA launched, incorporation in receivers expected in the coming years
- Antenna level: at R&D/early productization phase, not incorporated in commercially available products
4 antenna array detecting angle of arrival of GNSS signal
Overlaying signal detection on the Azimuth
“Non-aligned” GNSS signals are likely spoofed

CECIL Architecture, Status and Results
- CECIL consists of a 4 antenna array and attendant analog-to digital, processing and communication board
- It has stand-alone and an integration ready versions
- It recently passed the system level test, moving to proving ground testing at ZalaZONE Proving Ground
- It is capable to detect the angle of arrival of the GNSS signal at the precision level of 5 degrees
- Signal detection and spoofing detection at X sec in hot start and XX sec in cold start in clear line of sight conditions
CECIL going forward
- Project to be completed by end of 2023 resulting in a proving ground-tested prototype (TRL 5)
- Going forward:
- Combining signal processing cryptographic, and antenna-level defense in one package
- Establishing a GNSS Integrity testbed in a proving ground environment with KPIs and certification
- Targeting anti-spoofing for autonomy in automotive, UAV, and maritime segments
- Targeting anti-jamming PNT for critical infrastructure