Sagax Communication presented in the summer school program of Smart Systems Integration (SSI Master Shool). Erasmus+ program of the European Union co-founded SSI Master School to grant further studies for the particiants. As an invited industrial partner of BME our CEO Dr. Bertalan Eged presented about the software defined radio concept and integarated radio systems for spectrum operations. You can find and download further information on our resources page.
SSI Master School in Hungary
“The Summer School prior the third semester is an exceptional opportunity for current and graduated (Alumni) students to meet and getting to know each other’s work and also provides feedback for the programme. (…) Presentations of “state of the art” by academic and industrial experts in Smart Systems Integration are given, and also workshops with industry.” – as we can read on their page.
Firstly, SSI Master School is a great opportunity for students not just to meet and getting to know each other’s work, but to recognize possible job opportunities in the industry. That’s why Dr. Bertalan Eged presented about the software defined radio concept and integarated radio systems for spectrum operations. Secondly, we can book the presentation successfully due to the huge interest and impact that rised among the audience. But most importantly, this summer school created a good platform for students and employers of the industry to meet and discuss future gains and expectations. We belive that continouos relationship with the younger generations of students and future employees is a vital part of progression.
In conclusion this presentation was another great step forward to maintain a better conncetion with the educational institutions. You can read about a similar topic in one of our previous news about the internship agreement with a university.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!
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